Your First FDM Printer - Questions to ask
So you want to buy a printer? Let me help you as fast as possible:
Question 1: Budget, and I will break it into 3 buckets: <$300 - <$600 - <$1200
Question 2: How much do you want to modify it? Do you like making a machine better or do you want it to work out of the box
Question 3: Materials: PLA(likes cooling - good for models) is one thing, but do you want to print TPU(flexible) - ABS (higher heat/strength) - PETG (chemical resistance) - Carbon Fiber?(all metal needed)
Question 4: Bed levelling, this can be a PITA or automated, or you can buy one that is a PITA and make it automated. Chose your adventure
Question 5: Bed Size - how big of prints will you make?
Question 6: Models? Will you use existing models ( or will you design your own (Fusion360 is free)
Question 7: Firmware? Firmware matters (good-reprap, better-marlin, best-klipper - 2023) I say this because Klipper firmware is allowing printers to work faster, and if you want it to work faster you either want a Klipper machine - or you want a machine you can upgrade to Klipper (see Creality Sonic Pad)
Question 8: Data security: Companies such as Bambu and Snapmaker have access to your CAD models, is this a deal breaker?
Question 9: Extruders: 1 extruder means break away supports, its also easier to align. Two extruders add complexities in printing but may allow for internal channels with soluble support. If you are confused by this you want a single extruder to keep it simple.
Good luck - any other questions you may have reach out. I will either consult for stupid cheap or answer 1 or 2 simple questions. A lot of great youtubers out there.